LDES webinar header (1080 x 250 px) (2)

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Grid-connected battery energy storage systems (BESS) are rapidly gaining popularity, with global installations exceeding 40 GW in 2023.

However, these systems primarily address short-term grid stability needs. As the integration of renewable resources accelerates, the demand for long-duration energy storage facilities (LDES) will soon become critical.

The LDES market is poised for significant growth in the coming years, presenting both opportunities and challenges that need to be addressed.

EIT InnoEnergy invites you to a webinar where experts and pioneering companies in LDES development will discuss these pressing issues and potential solutions. 

We look forward to discussing with you on 26 June! 

Johan Söderbom

Thematic Leader Smart Grids and Energy Storage at EIT InnoEnergy

Johan Sodrbom


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